Tuesday, June 3, 2014


The Premise
           The book I read was called Tangerine by Edward Bloor. The story takes place in Tangerine,
Florida. In the beginning, Paul Fisher, his brother, Erik, his mom, and his dad move from Texas to
Florida. Erik Fisher is a high school football player and his dad supports him a little too much. Paul
Fisher, on the other hand, doesn't get much support from his dad because he plays soccer. Paul is
legally blind but he can see perfectly, according to him, when he wears his glasses. The story that
Paul thinks is the reason he became blind was when he was in kindergarten, he stared at the sun
during and eclipse. As Paul and Erik start at their new school, Erik joins the football team and Paul
joins the soccer team. What's more strange about a legally blind kid playing soccer is that Paul is a
goalie. Paul was going to be their main goalie for the soccer team but later on, the coach tells Paul he
can't play on the team anymore because he is visually handicapped and they can t get insurance for
Significant Passage
         "Erik got out of the passenger side and walked up to Mom, slowly and solemnly. Arthur got out
and followed him. Erik stopped just inside the garage and said, "Mike Costello is dead, Mom. He got
killed at practice today." Mom and I stopped still, the supermarket bags weighing down our arms.
Neither of us moved, or knew what to do next. We stared at him, speechless, until he continued in the
same voice. "He was just standing there in the end zone. He had one hand on the goalpost, leaning on
it, and kaboom! There was a crack, and a flash, and he went flying through the air. He landed right on
his back, right there on the goal line."(Bloor 49)
          That passage was about a boy on Erik's football team who was at practice and got struck by
lightning when lightning hit the goal post which he was leaning and holding onto. In the book, it says
almost everyday they have a lightning storm around the same time. That is also the exact same time
the football team practices.  


  1. Nice, I actually read this in 7th grade for a book we had to read. It's very different from anything alas I have ever read. Good job :)

  2. This made the book seem a lot less boring than I thought it was, good job explaining the premise.
